Friday, May 7, 2010

Feel Good Friday!

Special thanks to Uros Petrovic

Wow! What a crazy week it has been! Even though the week has been crazy the weekend is going to be nice and relaxed. The sun is shining and it's actually going to be warm this weekend! Can you believe it? Since the sun has put a smile on my face, let's see if I can do the same for you.

Do you love aprons? I do! I hardly wear them to cook but I love wearing them around the house. Just so I can look like the cute little alt-country housewife. You should check out Calamity Kim's blog! She is giving away the cutest apron ever! Even if aprons aren't your thing, check her out anyway. You will find something you love-I know I have. 

Recently I was in the button swap on Feeling Stitchy and got the cutest buttons ever from Rectangel. They are going on my green cameo sweater.

Things I remember from growing up: weird beer shampoo that I always wanted to try but my mom said she didn't want me smelling like the town bum or Tangee lipstick-it goes on clear and turns the color you want (if you want orange) or my favorite shoe in the world-Tretorns in red or black if you wanted to be fancy. Well, if you are like me and pine away at the good old days and wonder where you can get that beer shampoo then I have the place for you. The Vermont Country Store has all these things and more. Are you looking for that candy you just had to have when you were a kid-they have it (except Marathon bars-shoot!). I could spend hours on this website waxing about the good old days.

I usually don't advocate having your pups help with baking. Some people are a little whoozy when it comes to dog fur (I just don't understand) but this is just too adorable! He's helping!

Well my little chickadees! Hope this helps lift your spirits, bring a smile to your face and  puts you in a better mood. I know it has me! I am off to enjoy some much needed sunshine. Have a wonderful weekend! 

Love is life.
And if you miss love,
you miss life.
-Leo Buscaglia


  1. What a nice bunch of stuff to read about on a Friday when it's rainy and yucky outside! I'm off to wander the Vermont Country Store now. :)

  2. LOVE those buttons! Only I have one problem, the French teacher in me can't make out what the bottom left button says and this will drive me crazy! LOL
