Monday, July 7, 2008

Crafts, Koi and stupid computer!

I tried and tried last night to get online to blog and ofcourse my crappy computer took a nosedive and decided not to get online or work at all. Stupid computer! How dare it! So, I will do some blogging today with some crafty goodness. Here is a pillowcase that I made for the Invite Your Partner Swap. I made it for AlwaysInspired. I hope she likes it. I am making another one so she will have a set.

In other news, our pond is finally clear and we can see and play with Pucca and Garu, our Koi. We have been reading about how Koi bond with their owners and have they pick humans. They are like cats.


  1. ugh technology.. i swear it will kill us all! robots, im talking robots here. hehe i love the kois.. i had a friend that had a koi pond, it was amazing! but im totally into them, along with japanese things.. which means i totally love this pillowcase.. awesome job, as always!! :)

  2. OH I love the pillowcases!!! and the koi... Pucca and Garu um... LOVE PUCCA!! "funny love story" Koi are fun. the big ones will suck up your fingers!! yeah....

  3. i LOVE that pillowcase. beautiful! and koi fish are awesome. my parents have a bunch of ponds in their yard & one has really beautiful koi..although i don't think they named them :)

  4. How could she not like it? It's beautiful!

  5. that pond is beautiful! Lucky fishies! great job on the pillowcase!

  6. The Pillowcase is Gorge!!
    And the fish! Oh I just love fish, the surprise of them, even the goldfish I had had their own personalities and enjoyed different tasting things (maccas meat from their burgers was their fave). In fact they were so happy they were making babies (messing up the tank) every other day :)
