Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Featured Project on Craftster!

I'm a featured project on Craftster! YES! That was one of my goals! The pillowcases I made for AlwaysInspired got picked. I am SOOOOOO happy and proud! Yippee!

Let's see, what else is going on. I got more work done on my tattoo but I am still waiting for the redness to go down before posting another picture.

I had Mark take this picture today of a flowering plant we have in our front yard. I am 5 feet 4 inches and this plant is a good foot taller than me. It's crazy!

Mark and I went out to lunch today. I don't think he wanted his picture taken. My OMP!


  1. congrats on the feature! that pillowcase is awesome :)

  2. you lucky bastard ;) well maybe my time will come. congrats, you deserve it :)

  3. congrats lady!! that pillowcase was beautiful.. you deserve it!!

  4. how did I miss this post? CONGRATS!!! I saw that when I was on craftster the other day. Great job I knoew your fantabulousness wiould be recgonized.
