Friday, July 4, 2008

Yippee! Fireworks! Let's blow a limb off!

Okay, so I'm not being very Pro-4th of July when I say that I hate fireworks. Not all fireworks, just the kind that Mr. and Mrs. Stupid down the street can get. The ones that scare animals, can cause bodily harm. Sparklers and those little snake things. Those are fun. Not causing any problem, you can write your name in the air with them. Fun. The ones that make loud noises that for some reason make a 15 year old zit face boy think he's a man-those are the ones I hate. They freak out animals and small children and are not pretty. The kind that your local govt. put on or that you see at Disney-I really like those. They are beautiful to look at, you have a trained professional doing it. So, please for the love of God, if you are one of those people who like to blow things up-think about how much harm you are doing to animals and little kids everywhere.


  1. You took the words right outta my mouth! *applauding*

  2. aww.. i know.. its sad. i dont mess with fireworks. im not very pro fourth either.

  3. I hate those fireworks too!!! But of course my brother loves them....

  4. they have been shooting off fireworks behind our house for the past two weeks. I took stuff to sleep on the 4th. We have very "classy" neighbors.

  5. The amount of carnage in the form of trash/leftover bits of fireworks in our neighborhood the morning of the 5th was ridiculous. Of course the same neighbors who think mad amounts of (non-musical) noise are the same neighbors who leave trash in obnoxious areas :(
