Sunday, January 4, 2009

Life is short, even in its longest day

I found out New Years day that my dad has cancer. Needless to say, it came as a blow to me. He is the only parent I have. He is my superhero. He has yet to decide if he is going to have surgery. He knows that he will not have chemo or radiation. One thing he has decided is to sell his house and travel around North and South America for the next 3 years. He wants to see places that he has yet to see in his 74 years. One thing this has reminded me of is that life is short, too short for pettiness, for anger, for missed opportunities. I can take this as something devastating or I can take it as an epiphany. I wish I had the courage and the faith my dad has.


  1. Pam -

    You have dealt with more in the few short years that I have known you than anyone could imagine. You are strong, feisty, and hilarious. I have faith that you will be able to get through this, and when you're feeling like you can't handle it I know you've got your great husband and lots of friends who care about you.

    Let me know if you need anything. I will be sending good energy your dad's way. Take care.

  2. i am so sorry, pam. that is an incredibly rough thing to go through...i'll definitely be thinking about you & your family.

  3. omigoodness I am so sorry to hear that...please let me know if you or mark need anything. I am glad he is going to get out there and live all can but I am still sad for you

  4. I'm so sorry to hear this news. I know it's so, so hard when it all happens at once. I hope you will have peace with whatever he decides to do and that you can meet up with him somewhere awesome to share more adventures together.

  5. Pam
    Very sorry to hear this, and from personal experience...having a parent with cancer (or any illness) is the hardest thing in life.

    Enjoy every moment you have with him. Savor the memories, and say everything you always wanted to. Even the things you think are silly.

    Will keep him, and you in my prayers.

  6. You and your father will be in my thoughts. I wish him the best in his travels.

  7. oh man...I've been gone from the interwebs for a bit now and just read this post. I am so sorry to hear (read?) this news. you are definitely right, life is too short. Your dad sounds awesome. I'll be thinking of you and your family. <3
