Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Will it ever slow down?

So many things have been going on lately. My part time job has turned into a full time job and I don't want to jinx it but it's a great position and I think I will like it a lot. I also am still working at the crisis line. I wanted to stop working so much but now I am working 6 days a week full time. AGH! I'm used to it so it's not so bad. My dad decided to have surgery and will go in on Feb 1st. He sounded frazzled but good. I am also walking and trying to do some stitching. I promise that I will be adding pictures of some things I am working and will be back in full swing by the first. Yeah for change!


  1. I will be sending healing thoughts your dads way. I hope you are hanging in and good luck with the new job!


  2. I am glad your dad decided to get surgery... I hope the best for him! Though I hope he still takes that south american trip! It sounds sssoo wonderful! Ever since you told me that I've been thinking about it...
