Saturday, June 20, 2009

I love collecting!

I love collecting! I love the adventure of hunting and finding new objects. I'm lucky that my husband is a collector too, but the downfall is we have A LOT of stuff between us. Right now I'm collecting vintage needlebooks. They are functional but so silly at the same time. Here are a few of my favorites.

I love the image of women sitting around sewing together. They look so happy and excited to be stitching.

I found the red scissor needlebook in St. Paul. I love that you got a free needlebook with your scissors. They should do that promo again ;)The Singer is from my mother-in-law. There are some scary needles in that thing.

I usually don't collect a lot of the same image but I have 3 of these-maybe cause they are so cute but more than likely it's because I forgot I had 2 other ones.

I LOVE the girl on this one. She is so pretty. What a wonderful gift for "my darling"-a needlebook!

This one is also one of my favorites. It's a souvenir postcard. I really wish they would bring these back. You could hem your pants and have fond memories of your vacation

Once again, very happy women sewing. I know when I'm stitching something up, I'm equally as happy (well, most of the time).

What about you? What do you collect?

1 comment:

  1. love all of these old needle books..I collect CRAP! Come see it
