Thursday, August 27, 2009

Crystal's Sad Eyed Beauties.

A lot of you have experienced some of my collections but I want to introduce you my friend Crystal. Her sad eyed painting collection is beyond belief! When I was looking through her pictures and saw she had an actual Keane, I think I almost peed my pants. I'll let her tell you a little bit about her collection.

My mom actually got me collecting these pieces.  She bought me a really cute Lee piece (that I've since lost in a move or something) gosh probably about 15 years ago or more. From there it just grew.  I would buy one every time I saw one in a thrift store which wasn't very often.  It seems they never charged very much for them back then and I've gotten several of these for $1.  I hardly find them in thrift stores anymore.  I always look but usually never find any so I really haven't added to the collection in a while.

The last time I found one at a thrift was last year.  I found two really great Maio pieces in great looking frames and they were $5 each.  Of course they are all over ebay but the sellers want a lot for them--usually more then I'm willing to spend.  Most of my ebay purchases have been small pieces.  So if you want to start collecting them ebay's a great place to start and know your artists--Keane, Maio, France, Eden, Lee, Idylle are some of the main ones you see.  There are plenty more artists of the genre out there too--not to mention Gig who did the Pity puppies and kitties if you like sad animals.

One of my faves by the artist Eden.  I love this because I'm an artist and I have a cat. Another great score I got was a Maio. I got it at the flea market for $4.00! It is a bit different because it shows a more adult person and not a small child. I love how beautifully it is painted.

My absolute favorite of my collection is this Keane painting.  Margaret Keane is the grand dame of the genre.  She has a definite style and her pieces are usually filled with such emotion and are almost always sad or depressing.  I love thin one about 2 runaways.  The long alley really gives you a sense of loneliness.  

Hanging them all together really gave me a sense of how many I actually had and I have!  I love looking at them and I love the hunt for them.  That's half the fun of collecting anything really--the hunt for them.  Because I don't see these in thrifts much anymore when I do come across one I get so excited!

Crystal's collection makes me excited! I love that I can geek out with her when it comes to these sad eyed beauties. Thank you so much for sharing your collection with us, it is amazing!


  1. Thanks so much for showing these Pam! I'm so glad someone else loves them as much as me!! I'm always on the hunt!

  2. these are so awesome!

    i found my sad eye painting, i KNEW i had one somewhere! it's an Eden, and kinda creepy when you look at it close up. i think my sad eyed beauty may be part werewolf, judging by her random sideburns.... i love it!
