Sunday, September 20, 2009

Scrappy Dog Sunday!

Last week you have the honor to meet the sweet Margarita. This week you get to meet her sparky sister Elsa. Oh Elsa, she's a crazy little mutton chop. OMP loves her to death...let's see why!

Tell me a little bit about yourself.
My name is Elsa and I am a Schipperke! I am 4 years old and am foster failure from my mom's work. I have seizures and need to be on medication so I couldn't just live with anybody! I like long walks, barking and eating things I am not supposed too.

Are you really misunderstood?
I am very talkative and that is often mistaken for meanness. People often called a bear/fox but I am a dog!

What's your favorite toy?
   My favorite toy is my sister Margarita. I love to mash toys on her head. Beside Margarita I love my purple porcupine and anything that squeaks.

 What do you like to do on your days off?

    I am part of the Dog World Police so I really never have a day off. I must bark at the evil doers of the world such as the mailman, people who dare to walk by and the planes in the sky. I do however take breaks every once in a while to walk and get waffles for breakfast or go to the river. I love to go to the river but only if I don't have to swim.

Bonus question
OMP is your favorite person, besides your mom isn't he?

    OMP is my hero! He made my mom start to see how awesome I am and loves me for me!


  1. I don't usually comment on the Scrappy Dog Sunday posts, but I really do LOVE them tremendously!!

    That picture of Elsa mashing the toy on Margarita's head is a hoot, especially the expression on Margarita's face . . . something along the lines of "help me, please!!" ;-).

    Oh Miss Elsa, we have dogs who are members of the Dog-World Police too! It's an exhausting job, is it not?!!

  2. Aloha: Just want to tell you that I enjoy the heck out your blog - it makes me smile each time I check in! My husband & I live in Hawaii and love it, but I don't have many friends into stitching/crafting over here. The online community really keeps me connected and motivated in this realm, so mahalo for your sweet, joyful creation!
    Cheers, Marla
