Friday, October 23, 2009

Feel Good Friday!

Man! Was this a LONG week! Well never fear-the weekend is here! It's time to kick back and relax while watching the leaves blow into your yard and wishing your dogs have thumbs so you could send them out to rake. Wait, is that only me who has that wish? Okay, okay, I'll get to some feeling good stuffs!

It's no secret that my husband and I LOVE Lucha Libre (Mexican Professional Wrestling to you gringos). Firecracker Press has the most amazing Luchador poster not to mention other great stationary and zines. If Luchadors aren't your thing (heaven forbid!) then check out their other great products. You will not be disappointed.

Can I tell you how much I love Craftzine's blog? The gang over there rock my socks! They have the best articles, tips and just plain greatness over there!  You can find them on Flickr, Twitter and Facebook. Currently I am loving the scary knitted mask and the creepy costumes they are showcasing. Oh yeah and remember my interview with Rachel? Well, she writes for them so you know it has to be uber super duper cool. Head over there now and you can also get a killer cookie recipe from another amazing chick, Giggly Mama and Family .

Two things I love-Halloween and cuteness (okay, I love lots more but for the sake of October, I'm loving Halloween-I always love cute things) Fiberartsy stitched up the cutest Frankenbunny! I want to squeeze him! So stinking cute!

When I was a little kid, I loved this cartoon. I still sing this song as an adult. Watch it now before Disney sends me a letter telling me that they are going to sue me for everything I'm worth and put me in the "Disney jail".

Well, there you have it! I hope everyone has a nice relaxing weekend. I'm gonna watch all those dog training shows to see if I can teach the beasts to do my bidding for me. Something tells me I'm out of luck.


  1. Ahh my Frankenbunny! He's my favorite of the set too.

  2. I often wish little Merlin had thumbs so he could open the door and let himself out. I never thought of raking!!!!!!!

  3. Hi Pam - I saw your user icon over at Giggly Mama and Family, (don't those cookies look delicious?), and I just wanted to pop by and tell you that I love the retro/pin-up flower in your hair. Very pretty! I'm a big fan of all things vintage as well. Have a nice day!

  4. Look at those cute.

  5. "trick or treat, trick or treat"...thanks for making my bummer of a night, due to my two dogs, a better one. <3
