Wednesday, October 7, 2009

A Few Minutes with bee listy or Holy Mother of Pearl-It's Steve McQueen!

When I first saw bee listy's work on Craftster, I was blown away. Who was this woman and wait-did I just see a Steve McQueen cross stitch? Holy mother of pearl! I knew I had to see what she is all about!

Who is the real Beelisty/Becca?
The real bee listy is a thirtysomething, single radical queer in minneapolis who spends her time bitching and moaning about political shitfuckery and insanity.

How did you get started stitching?
i saw the Irony is not Dead piece from subversive cross-stitch several years ago and was like "ooh, fun!" my grandpa and mom were both needleworkers... and i have OCD (or CDO if you will)-- i'm a counter! this is a great outlet for that.

You do such amazing portraits-which one is your favorite and why?
Thank you-- my favorite portraits ever are my grandparents. It's my favorite because i love them so much and it was the last gift I gave my grandpa (the stitcher) before he passed away... he loved it and was so moved and proud of it...

What kind of advice would you give to someone just starting out?
Well, be careful that you're not stitching copyrighted images or slogans... i've had a few people contact me in really rude ways about accidentally using their words or images. Ugh. Be patient-- it gets easier. Do what you want, but don't copy other stitchers-- i don't find it flattering.

Do you have a website or a shop?
I have an Etsy shop and a website. etsy seller name is epeolatry and website is

 What does the future hold for you? What's the next chapter?
I have SO MANY IDEAS but i keep accepting custom commissions, so i haven't been making time to sew for myself. My next life chapter is going back to school for my PhD so i may have less time to stitch for the next few years...we'll see. :)

Are you dying yet? I told you! I love her work and she is an amazing person. Her passion for activism is equal to her kind heart . She can whip out some quick wit and educate you about the trials in the world all in one breath-and that is why I like her so! Keep up the fight and keep up the stitching!


  1. That Steve McQueen quote is just the best!


    Keep on stitching!

  2. awesome post! i love becca, she's so inspiring!

  3. Thanks for the interview with her, it's great to know more about such a talented person! She's my main Craftster crush, especially since I suck at counted cross stitch.

    Her stuff just rocks my world and proves to me that x-stitch can be anything but boring!
