Wednesday, October 21, 2009

That Paulette! She's a doll!

I know many of you in Craftster land have come across Paulette's amazing dolls. She has crazy insane talent not to mention that she is such a sweetheart. She always has the right things to say and makes you feel like one of the family. 

Tell me a little bit about yourself
My father was in the US Air Force and we lived all over the US. Because of this I will talk to almost anyone, anywhere, which sometimes embarrasses my family. I am the eldest of 4 children and like to take charge. I have five children, 3 boys, 10 yrs, 8yrs, and 5yrs, and two girls, 2 1/2 yrs, and 1yr. My husband is incredibly supportive and rushes home from work when I need him. He usually cleans up the yucky stuffs, and generally treats me like a queen. He also gets excited about my crafts and helps with advice.

You make the most amazing crafts (especially dolls!) How did you get started?

My Mom was always making something. I remember her at her sewing machine late into the night making Christmas presents or some crafts to sell. She also did other crafts like toll painting, and stained glass. It was just natural to sit beside her and craft with her. When I moved out I was dismayed at how much stuff I no longer had at my disposal and began to build my own cache. I've always thought that home made was better than store bought and so, I started crafting for my kids and to decorate my own home. I'm not happy unless I'm creating SOMETHING! I try to do everything as cheaply as possible, and so I incorporate found items and items that I buy at thrift stores into my crafting. Most of what I've learned of making dolls was pulled straight off the internet.

What/Who inspires you?

There are so many talented doll artists out there! Every time I pick up an issue of Art Doll Quarterly, I am inspired. I love Crafstster because there are supportive artists who inspire. I love the works of Russian painters who depict fairy tales, and I love the challenge of bringing a character from a book "to life."

Do you have a website?
My blog:
My Etsy store:

What's your next big project?
Christmas gifts for my family. This is always a challenge. I have to make things that are as good as last year. I always think that I've run out of ideas, and then inspiration hits!

Happiness is....
Giving neck kisses to your 2 year old, and having her say, "that tickles." and then I say, "that's why you like it." Date night on a Friday when you get to leave the kids behind and be just a couple for a few hours. Reading Harry Potter to the boys before they go to bed. The family sitting around the table and eating home made muffins. Shopping and lunch with just the (adult) girls. An hour long conversation on the phone chatting with my sisters or my Mom.

Awww, I get such a warm fuzzy feeling from this reading this. Paulette is so wonderful!  Make sure you check out her blog, etsy and say hello to her on Craftster!



  1. I've admired Paulette's work on craftster for years and I think if I were to spend enough time with them, I might get over my slight fear of dolls. Hers are awesome!

  2. Wow! Those doll's are fantastic!!
