Wednesday, November 4, 2009

You Will Get Diabetes

Cause I'm about to go all sweet and sappy on ya!

Normally I reserve Wednesdays for interviewing amazing and crafty people but today is my 3rd wedding anniversary so I thought I would let OMP and the world know how much he means to me. He truly is my soul mate. I can't imagine myself without him and look forward to everyday with him. He makes me laugh, smile and just feel better about life.

It seems the past couple of years for us has been filled with a lot of trials and tribulations but we have made it through together.

So, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go enjoy my anniversary dinner and my husband's company. There is no one else in the world I would rather be with.

I love you Mark, now and forever.


  1. what an ADORABLE hubby you have.. congrats on 3 yrs. me and my adorable hubby made 5 yrs in Sept :-)

  2. Happy anniversary! I love the first picture... you guys are sure sweet.

  3. I threw up on my computer a little.

    <3 <3

    congrats :D
