Monday, December 21, 2009

I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas

Ah Christmas time-believe it or not, things have finally settled back into a routine. Cookies are made, presents are wrapped, house decorated. Now it's time to sit back with a cup of warm cocoa and watch some of my holiday favorites.

White Christmas is at the top of my list. Bing Crosby, Danny Kaye, Rosemary Clooney and Vera Allen make this movie a dancing and singing romp through the winter. The songs are just divine! I know that OMP loves to hear me sing "Sisters" over and over again. How can he not love it? Bing And Danny are soldiers returning from the war and now have a series of successful musical shows. While in Florida, they meet Rosemary and Vera who are heading to an inn in Vermont. Little do the guys know but their old commander now owns the inn and is in trouble. The gang pulls together to help out the old Army chum. Singing, dancing and romance ensue. This movie truly is a classic treasure. It always lifts my spirits.

I don't remember this movie coming out when I was a kid but I do remember my mom bringing home the VHS tape for Christmas and my love affair with A Christmas Story began. Based on a short story by Jean Shepard-it is the retelling of his childhood obsession with a Red Ryder carbine-action 200-shot range model BB rifle with a compass in the stock and a thing which tells time. I think we all can relate to Ralphie and everyone in his family. We all have an aunt Clara that makes totally inappropriate gifts, a dad that cusses like a sailor with Tourette syndrome, a mom that doesn't understand our obsessions and a friends that we want to triple dog dare. There are so many wonderful scenes in this movie, that I can't name them all.  If you have never seen this movie, there is something wrong with you and if you have seen it and don't love it-we can't be friends anymore.

A newer movie but that will definitely be a classic for years to come is Elf. Buddy the Elf, what's your favorite color? Hee hee...I still want to answer the phone that way. This is a light hearted, very sweet movie about an adopted elf trying to find his real dad in New York. Will Farell does an excellent job as the wide eyed Buddy the Elf. His innocence is adorable and Zoey Deschanel as the romantic interest is wonderful casting. She is too cute for words! Buddy helps everyone find the true meaning of Christmas while finding his dad. It's a silly story of hope, family and love. Don't we all need that throughout the year?

 Of course the made to TV specials  are always loved in our house. We own the DVD's but there is just something about watching them on TV that takes me back to my childhood. A few of our favorites are: A year without a Santa Claus (LOVE the Heatmiser!), The Grinch who Stole Christmas, Charlie Brown Christmas, Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer and Santa Claus is coming to town. The puppies seem to love Olive the Other Reindeer-I wonder why?

Those are just a few of my favorites. There are so many more but I think I would need another blog just to include them.  Now if you will excuse me, I'm gonna go gorge myself on cookies and cocoa and croon with Bing. Merry Christmas ya'll!


  1. AMC is playing white christmas all christmas eve!!! Oh and I made one of your drinks from your tuesday post. I made the christmas punch with the champagne ... OMG it was AMAZING! Everyone at the party LOVED IT!!!

  2. great xmas movies to sit back, chill and watch.

    i have to wrap a few presents here and i'm all done...yay. such a accomplished feeling.
    all stitches are completed and i'm taking a break until next month.
    whew. my fingers are tired.

    happy holidays.

  3. Aw, I don't really like Christmas movies--except for White Christmas and A Christmas Story! You have such good taste Pam ;)
