Monday, December 28, 2009

Movies to Ring in the New Year.

What are you up to for New Years? Have a party planned? Maybe a little dancing. No, you just want to stay home and have a nice relaxing night with family and friends-well, have I got a few tasty movies for you! There's suspense, romance and a few laughs to make you New Years go off with a little bang.

A very personal favorite of mine and one that I mentioned a few weeks ago is After the Thin Man. Nick and Nora must solve a mystery on New Year's Eve.  This is a wonderful story of intrigue and suspense with humor only William Powell and Myrna Loy can pull off. Of course, don't forget their wonderful terrier Asta-he certainly has a bone to pick with Mrs. Asta!

For the record, I am not a fan or romance movies, with that being said, I will make an exception for When Harry Met Sally. This is such a sweet and funny movie. The dinner scene was so hysterical! I love when Rob Reiner's mom says, "I'll have what she's having". The story is basically a boy meets girls, loses girls, meets her over and over again-they are friends and then fall in love. The last scene still gets to me. The soundtrack is amazing too-it brought big band and swing into heavy rotation again.

Repeat Performance is a wonderful "what if" movie starring Joan Leslie. Joan stars as Shelia Page, a Broadway star that murders her crooked husband on New Year's Eve. In a state of panic, she flees to a friend's house and he grants her a wish and sends her back home, only this time, it's a day earlier. The suspense is..what path will she take this time and will the outcome still be the same?

What a wonderful way to send 2009 on it's way-a little romance, some giggles and a lot of intrigue-kind of sounds like the state of global affairs. Anyhoo! I hope you enjoy these wonderful New Year's gems. Until next time my favorite movie goers!

1 comment:

  1. i've seen all these movies and they are all so so good.
    not sure what we are doing for new year's yet.
    probably dinner out, maybe an early movie and home before all the knuckleheads get crazy.
