Friday, January 29, 2010

Feel Good Friday!

You can purchase this beautiful print at 3LambGraphics.

Ah Friday-how I miss you. It seems like forever since we last saw eachother. You bring such joy to my life. make me happy! Now that I'm in a good mood so early in the morning-let's see what I can do for you.

I have the worst sweet tooth. I have not met a cupcake that I do love. Throw some candy my way and I will be your best friend for life. When my friend Kelsey showed me Bakerella, I felt like  died and went to heaven. It's like this website was made for me. Red Velvet cupcake pops-are you kidding me? I HAVE to make them or better yet,have someone make them for me. Her recipes are simple and easy to follow and yet look professional and I'm sure taste divine.

I love the swing of her bag and her shoes are so cute. Laura Amiss is so talented. 

Usually I try to stay away from big stores or corporations. I've tried but I could never give up Target, I've tried and it just doesn't work-don't judge. That being said, William Sonoma has the most darling cookie cutters that I can't pass up and as and added bonus-they are fairly cheap. I love that I can make my sweetie an personal message with the letters. It's like a big conversation heart. 

I love disapproving bunnies.
Okay all you wonderful readers! Go forth and enjoy your weekend! You've got blogs to read, cupcakes to cook, cookies to decorate and bunnies that disapprove! Enjoy!

If you are not happy here and now, you never will be.  ~Taisen Deshimaru


  1. cupcakes = love.

    have a great weekend.

  2. I hear ya on Targhet.

    And cupcakes.

    And disapproving bunnies.

    Posted on our fridge we have a pic of a bunny with a pancake on his head with the caption "I have no idea what you are talking about so here is a bunny with a pancake on its head."

  3. that bunny is great.. I wanna scoop him up and give him a squeeze..
