Sunday, January 10, 2010

A Little Question for Ya!

So, it's a new year! Time for a little bit of a make-over. I know! I know! Things are pretty much perfect but I'm asking you, my faithful, wonderful, hot, saucy reader-what would you like to see more of or just see in general. There are a few things that will definitely stick around:
Movie Monday
Tie One On Tuesday
Interview Wednesday (as long as I can find people to interview-be careful, if I haven't interviewed you yet-it's coming!)
Feel Good Friday

Maybe vintage patterns? Some more crafty goodness? Some cool things in your area? Tutorials? Guest Bloggers? Nothing at all-keep it like it is? Let me know what you think!


  1. I'm a sucker for Scrappy Dog Sundays myself, but I know I owe you info on my two scrappy dogs so it's hard to ask you to keep that feature if I can't even get my own doggies' info to you ;-).

    I love interview Wednesdays. I rarely go to Craftster anymore, so it's a fun way to see people and their work that I'm missing by not being as active at Craftster.

    Tutorials are always great, as are guest bloggers :).

    I like all your different blog features, truth be told!!

  2. Ooh, I think more crafty goodness is an awesome idea! And tutorials for that crafty goodness!

  3. Yes to all, I'd love to see more craftiness and patterns!!

  4. tues would be good. Maybe recipes once and a while too??

  5. I love how diverse your posts are! Crafting, tutorials, drink recipes, updates, dog stories, and more. I think if you keep posting what you love, we'll love it too!

  6. Maybe can't go wrong with more crafty goodness...but if it's not fun...don't do it...and if you like it again and again!

    It's been good so far & holds my interest. Will be a loyal follower in 2010!

