Monday, January 25, 2010

There's No Place Like Home

I have been traveling a lot in the past two months. Just this weekend I was in Anaheim, California for the CHA show. It was so much fun meeting everyone but nothing beats home. Now, don't get me wrong, I love visiting places and meeting new people but rainy, gray Oregon is my home and I'm always happy to get back to the this drizzly state. So,today's movies are in honor of my adopted state (I'm really a southern girl at heart, but that's a whole other story).

An all time classic that I think any red blooded American male can quote is Animal House. This movie was filmed in Eugene Oregon. I have to admit, I really love this movie. John Belushi was at his best and yes, the jokes are crass, juvenile and just plain low grade but I can't not help laughing every time I see it. Dean Wormer tries to expel the Delta Tau Chi Fraternity but they have other plans for him and for the college. Hijinx ensue and you will be laughing even though you know you shouldn't.

Okay, tell me how great this is-Lee Marvin,Clint Eastwood, Jean Seberg AND SINGING? I'm talking about a little movie called Paint Your Wagon. Oh yeah, you heard me right. Paint Your Wagon. This fun little 1969 musical about the gold rush was filmed in Oregon. This movie was nominated for best musical and with good reason-HELLO! Lee Marvin singing! It's a silly musical about the gold rush, gambling and a little bit of drinking-this might be a normal Tuesday night in Portland.

A hidden gem that I found completely by accident while search for a film noir movie is Portland Expose. It is suppose to be a film noir mystery  but the corny lines and silly storyline make it more kitschy than anything else. It is really great to watch this 1957 movie and see landmarks that are still around. The story involves a tavern owner trying to make a legitimate living but is bullied by mob gangs to bring in illegal gambling via pinball. Isn't it crazy that pinball use to be illegal, anyhoo....the tavern owner is saved by honest union men (this is Portland after all) and all ends well, or does it?

There are so many more excellent movies that were filmed in Oregon. Here is just a small sampling-
Drug Store Cowboy
The Goonies
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Apple Dumpling Gang
The Simpson's Movie (it wasn't FILMED here but Matt Groening is from here and all the characters are named after streets in Portland)
Point Break
Stand By Me
The Shining (the outside of the hotel is Timberline Lodge at Mt. Hood-yes, it still counts)
Twilight (Sorry, I know, I know-I said I was sorry! )

So, if you really want to feel like a Portlander, the next time it rains and it's 30 degrees. Throw on those shorts, toss that umbrella and  bike on down to the nearest independent video store. You'll feel like you're in Stumptown in a matter of minutes.

1 comment:

  1. I had no idea so many movies were filmed there!

    PS. I too love Animal House.
