Thursday, January 14, 2010

You Get a Pattern and You Get a Pattern and You Get a Pattern!

Did I ever tell you that I have a bazillion patterns and vintage craft magazines? No? Well, I do and guess what-I want to share them with you. That's right! You get a pattern! And you get a pattern! And you get a pattern! Each week I am going to post either a pattern or a retro/vintage craft project or article for your enjoyment. My request-1-if you make or sew something from the site, you link it back here and 2-don't use for commercial use (cause that's just crappy, yo!)

So, here's the first in many for your viewing pleasure. These were originally an iron on from Vogart. I thought they would just be adorable stitched up. Enjoy!



I can't wait to see what ya'll stitch up. I have no doubt it will be fab! Hope this makes your day a little brighter.


  1. I love the little dude with a purpose holding a knife. I might have to stitch him up this weekend if I have time.

  2. hahahhahaha I love the sausage!

  3. Cute as a button!
    Love the idea of the vintage/retro pattern.
    I don't really embroider...I wish I could cross stitch these, I wonder if that is possible?
    What do you think?

  4. Love these patterns!! Too cute.

  5. Cute! Love the guy with the wiener. (wink wink)

  6. I see an apron for my Hubby!1 Yeppers! Too cute! Thanks!
