Friday, February 12, 2010

Feel Good Friday!

 Thank you Tad Capenter

Pat yourself on the back! We did it! We made it through another week with style, sass, and giggles.This Feel Good Friday is devoted to Love. Awww yeah....I know you're feeling it. You're picking up what I'm throwing down. Let's see what kind of trouble we can get into-shall we?
So, you're thinking what to get that sweetie of yours. You don't want to  go out to the local 7-11 and pickup some hack roses, do you?  How about going old school and making a mix tape. This time honored tradition will not fail you. Ladies love the mix tape-just saying guys. It's like 80's dance parties to us-we can not resist.

Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones

Nothing says loving like a stealth ninja coming at you. These cute little guys definitely won me over. Soraia_bejinhos rocks. 

The Rikrak Studio is such an awesome blog! It is so inspiring, uplifting and just pretty! Dont' forget to check out the handmade olympics!

Say you need a little good luck charm to get your mojo going again. This necklace from JMankin Design will defintiely help!

Are you feeling the love? Well, if this doesn't push you over the edge, nothing will! A little note to my sweetie
I promise to be your wife, your best buddy, and the Bonnie to your Clyde, the Abbott to your Costello and the Elsa Lanchester to your Boris Karloff, for as long as I'm trapped on this physical plane. You are my life, my soul. The English Language has not yet come up with the words that describe how happy you make me happy. I love you.

Alright, alright...I know-I'm a big softy!-but if you're not crying over that, then something is wrong with you! Now go on you little strips of bacon, get out there and get your sizzle on!


  1. Aww, baby - I love you too. Thanks for making me cry in public!! OOXX

  2. Awww, sweet note to your better half.

    Love that necklace. Me want!!

    Happy Valentine's Day.
