Thursday, March 11, 2010

A bear does WHAT in the woods?

So, I'm sorry that I have been MIA the past couple of days. I have been super duper sick! I'm feeling a little better-thanks for asking.

Over the weekend, I went to an antique show and found these cute little guys. I couldn't pass them up.

The one with the fish is just too cute! Enjoy!


  1. cool! I like your new banner!

  2. Glad you're feeling better. We've had a bit of the sick going around here, too :(

    Those bears are downright adorable! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Thanks Tom! I have a few more that I'm gonna try out and see which one I like best

    DK-not fun at all! Hope you're feeling better!

  4. These bears are too cute! I can see me stitching up brown bears, black bears and Care Bear colors bears..........
