Friday, April 2, 2010

Feel Good Friday!

Oh my goodness! What month is this? We are getting hit with a winter storm and believe me-it's not fun! I'm wondering what I can do to take my mind off of 85 mph wind gust....let's see what I can find!

Even though I have to tether the dogs to the BBQ so they won't blow away, I can still be thankful. I owe it all to thxthxthx. This website not only makes me giggle at her thankfulness. From sweet to snarky-she has it all.  I could literally sit here all day and read every post-you should go over there and get lost in the thanks.

Bunnies kissing is just way too adorable and The Tee-shirt Gnome does it up right! I think I may need this shirt and the Yeti fighting Bigfoot -cause it's cool and not too much of a stretch on my pocketbook.

It's true! I love gin and I love tea! If you love these things then head over to Miso Funky and enter her contest. Hurry up! It ends at 3pm today! Even if you don't get in on the contest, you can enjoy lots of sassy stitching!

After the Easter Ferret appearance  last week, the Easter Bunny's relatives are crawling out of the woodwork for their 15 minutes of fame.  They are a motley crew!

Whoa! I'm not sure if that was Pete, Lola or Jujube that just flew past my window! I better go catch them! I'm off! Have a good weekend everybody-try to keep your feet on the ground!