Friday, April 23, 2010

Feel Good Friday!

We made it through the week and ready for the weekend! YES! I am so ready for some cocktails and relaxtion! I'm also ready to share some happies with you. Are you ready to have a smile put on your face? Well, let's get to it!

I love cutey things. They put a big smile on my face and remind me never to take anything too seriously. Life will happen, but in the end you have a choice to be happy or not. I choose happy! I also choose to wear a tiara and think that these are good every day tiaras. Ya know-when you go to the store in your sweats or just lounging around the house.   Roxy Creations made these adorable crowns for her friend's children but I think they are perfect for any age.  If you want to find out more about them, check out her blog.

I can't remember if I have told you about one of my favorite websites, Indie Fixx. If I have, then I'm telling ya again. If I haven't-welcome to Indie Fixx! Contest! Pen Pal Program! Free Art! This site has it all. I could spend hours on this site and never see the same thing twice.

Remember early this week when I went to see The Pioneer Woman? Well, I have been obsessing about cooking and food every since. Lucky for me, I found a great site that shares my obsession. Foodzie is a website that sells artisan food and gifts.  It's like having having a farmer's market at your fingertips. There is something for everyone at different price ranges, just don't be like me and surf it when you are hungry-you may end up with one of everything.

I've been told that I must put up animal pictures on Feel Good Friday-one reader said it made her day and I just can't let her down. So, here's an animal for you! This animal also happens to be one of my husband's heros.

Okay all you animals! Get out there and make a difference! Put a smile on someone's face! Shake those money makers! Have a great weekend! You deserve it!

Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.~ Buddha

1 comment:

  1. That pic of Animal was literally the highlight of my week.
