Friday, June 4, 2010

Feel Good Friday!

Man o' Man! Am I ever glad to see Friday! There's a little bit of sunshine peeking through the rain clouds and I am itching to get outside and enjoy some nice weather. Mother Nature needs to cooperate!

June means strawberries to me. I could eat my weight in strawberries and still find room for one more. Berry season hasn't quite hit Portland yet so in the meantime I have to enjoy this absolutely adorable penny rug (that I am DYING to make) from Creative Breathing. She gives you step by step instructions on how to make this and many other projects on her site. Be careful, you might just get bit by the sugar bug with her site! You've been warned!

I LOVE baking! I think most of you have figured that out. When I find a good cooking or baking website, I get all giddy inside. Bake at 350 is one of those sites. The cookies are just too much! I can't wait to dive in and decorate some cookies. I'm just hoping that mine turn out half as cute and not like a weird science project.

Ya know, sometimes it's really hard to express just how you feel. Foxy Blunt will take care of that for you.  I'm having a hard time deciding which is my favorite. The "Good Luck with That" is tied with "Thank You for Recognizing How Important I Am" A touch of beauty with the wit of a viper. That's what I'm into!

Okay, I'm saving the best for last! Whenever you are down and just need a pick me up,I insist that you go to ZooBorns and click on any baby animal. You will instantly smile and all your cares will melt away. How can you resist baby Penguin tushie?

AHHHHHHH........I feel a million times better! I don't even care if it's raining for the 6th week in a row. Who cares if we got 2 inches of rain in the last 2 days. I will put on my happy boots and go puddle jumping! You should come with me.

1 comment:

  1. If you make those cookies, post a pic! I don't have the patience to do piping or intricate frosting, but I saw some other yummy desserts on that blog. Thanks for the link; it's now on my google reader!
