Friday, June 11, 2010

Feel Good Friday!

What is that big bright orb in the sky? Could it be that sunshine has finally made it's way to Portland? Here are a few things you can enjoy while I spend a few minutes working on my tan.

I can only wish that I looked this cute riding a bike. I love her little basket. Comfortstitching not only has mad embroidery skills but the quilts are just as adorable.

I am in LOVE with Hello Adorable! If it's adorable-it's here! From crafty, critters, to edible-this blog has it. The cool part, besides the Hello Kitty Chip Maker (which would make a great birthday present!), is that you can log in and suggest items for the world to see.

For the past few months I have been on a baking craze. Fancy Flours is THE place for beautiful baking accessories. I am totally fascinated by printed wafer paper. They have them for different holidays and make wafers for chocolate. So beautiful!

Ahhhh....I can feel the sun warming my buns as we speak! Enjoy your weekend-go out a get a little Vitamin D, get your hands dirty in your garden or just lay in the pool and enjoy a beverage. It's the weekend, kick back and relax.


  1. Thank you kittykill for mentioning my blog! You are the best and your blog is AWESOME! :-)

  2. Kewl stuff! I likes that doggie and his pool floatin attitude. Just today I wished for a backyard swimming pool. Guess I could just dig a great big hole right??
