Friday, June 25, 2010

Feel Good Friday!

Ooohhhhh my full belly. I'm a little late with Feel Good Friday-sorry about that but OMP grilled out some yummy food and I needed to help him eat it. Now my tummy is full and I'm ready for bed or at least a cocktail. While I'm looking for the Tums, let's see what I have for you.

 Aimee Ray rocks my socks. I remember seeing her for the first time on Craftster and then when her book came out, I HAD to buy it. Now she has new patterns and a flickr group. Check her out!

I'm sure I have mentioned Plays With Needles before but I just love this entry on her blog. It makes me happy. I read Susan's profile-swimming, triathlons, taking care of a son AND stitching. I got tired just reading about her. Holy macaroni lady-you need a medal and a cocktail.

For my birthday my friend Lori sent me the most beautiful spoon bracelet. The pattern was retired in 1910. I love it and wear it all the time now. I was looking for more spoon jewelry and found this wonderful company.  Silver Spoon Vintage Jewelry has the most beautiful bracelets, rings and necklaces.

Apparently I not the only one with a full belly and ready for bed. Have a great Friday-I'm gonna sit under the stars and have sweet dreams. You should too.

1 comment:

  1. Oh the things we wonderful wives do! Bill did some grilling last night and I had to help him eat all that glorious food too! Wow!

    Jus' Look at that grin on happy Pete's face!!!
