Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Sun Don't Shine.....

I know I talk a lot about being positive and life changes. I also know how hard that can be in today's economy and times. So many of my friends are struggling right now and believe me-I know how they feel. I am currently working a job part time and it is hard making ends meet. There are days when I just want to give up, sit down and cry-Geesh, there are days when I did  just that. I worry-I worry about my house, my family, the state of the world. I guess the thing that I am getting at is that I don't always see the world through rose colored glasses.

Just today I was doubting the world around me and having the most elaborate pity party you could imagine. The only good part of my pity party is I had hats and cake. I was down and out and wanted to scream at the world for giving me a raw deal.  I wanted to scream out, "Why me?". Then I thought.....

Why not me? What made me so special that I did not deserve to have a rough patch in life? Into everyone's life a little rain must fall but how you handle that downpour is up to you. Sure, you can just shrivel up and take the punches or you can punch back and take that negativity down.

When the world gets to me and I want to give up, I turn to my friends, my faith in those close to me and to  myself. I remind myself that everything in temporary and this dark cloud soon will pass. If I don't get that job this time, I will get another one and if I don't get that one-I'll keep trying and get better at interviewing. The same goes for other aspects in my life. If I see something wrong in my world, I think of ways to change it and if it doesn't work-I keep trying.  I know that many times I take 1 step forward and 3 back but I also know that eventually I will get the strength to take a huge jump forward. If none of these things work, I just remind myself that the sun don't shine on the same dog's ass everyday and my time will come.

So, let me help you up, dust you off and walk with you as we try to figure out where this path is gonna take us. Stop your worrying! The world will continue to tick us off, we will lose sleep over the strife of the day but when the sun rises that next morning, a new day will begin and new opportunities will be there for us to catch.


  1. Thank you for the lovely post :) I always need to be reminded of such things.

  2. Beautifully said! I admire your strength. :)

  3. Worry, loss of sleep, trying to stay positive, falling back when you just strive to move forward must be universal in most women. I definitely relate to this post. Thanx so much for your insight. Now ... onward and upward to a better day!

  4. Thank you for this reminder! I too have been going through a rough patch and having quite a few pity parties for myself but screw that, I'm gonna do just like you said PUNCH BACK!!

  5. Hi all! I didn't want anyone to think that I deleted someone's post due to censoring. I just accidentally double posted the same comment. I really should not try to do any thinking before I've had my tea.

  6. Thanks!!! I have had a few people tell me I am too full of hope...well gotta be!!!! This is just the way it is!!! Gotta have hope..can't get down to long and sooner or get some good!!! hugs

  7. It's okay to have the occasional pity party, and to think you are so special...because you are. Evil attacks the good in life and in people...the more special you are, the harder row you have to hoe.

    Just remember, God (whatever you conceive that to be) pays you back for your suffering. The down spot now will be followed by good things you can't even imagine. I love you, lady.

  8. Oh, Pam...thank you so much. This was timed better than you could possibly imagine.

    I'm reaching three hours down I-5 and hugging you hard, girl.

  9. Well said, my dear. Hard times are what make the good times so sweet.
    Have a great day!

  10. Perfect post! I too am having my moments and throwing huge pity parties, but hey at least we're all in good company, right?
    Thanks so much for your wonderful words.

  11. Hi Pam,

    Thank you for sharing the very good insight.

    I remind myself there is a season under the sun for EVERY THING. Thank goodness...every single day brings with it new possiblilites waiting to be discovered. The down days make me really appreciate the good days when they come!

