Friday, August 20, 2010

Feel Good Friday!

Yahoo! We made it to Friday! I didn't think we were going to do it and then BAM! We pulled it off! Pat yourself on the back!

Oh yeah-you are reading it right. Quit rubbing your eyes and close your mouth. AlwaysInspired and Digital Misfit created a new blog banner for me. Digital Misfit drew it up and AlwaysInspired stitched it up. It has all my favorite things. Cocktails, crafting tools, and pups! I really think they captured the chest part just right too. I look H-O-T all stitched up! Thank you guys SO much, seriously from the bottom on my heart for this. I just love it. You will be seeing it on my blog very soon!

I am completely blown away by Dalton Ghetti. That is lead from a pencil. CRAZY!

If you are thinking of something to get me for Christmas. This would be perfect. The Junk Gypsy has such great stuff! As a matter of fact, I think I'll take just about one of everything in their store.

You guys know I love a good cross stitch or embroidery pattern and if they are vintage-even better. Denise Felton shares my love of patterns and all things needlework on Craft Gossip. There are tutorials, patterns, and just plain cool stuff. If  stitching isn't your thing, check out the other amazing categories. Paper work, quilting, recycle crafting are just a few.

I would love to stay and chat more but the sun is calling my name and demanding that I get outside. Time to throw on my bathing suit, head to the backyard and play with the family. I've almost got the dogs trained to bring me beverages. ALMOST-only a few years away from perfection. Have a great weekend and enjoy life.

Jumping for joy is good exercise.  ~Author Unknown


  1. Awesome embroidery! It will look great for your banner! And yes, that pencil is amazing.
    Have a great weekend!

  2. Yay! I'm so glad you love your new banner! You are so welcome! Glad to do something for someone as special as you!

  3. Hugs! I am so glad you love the banner. AI did such a great job stitching it up.

  4. In saw the banner on flickr and gasped! Can't wait to see it up on your blogsies ;) You are a fina mamma jamma all stitched up!
