Friday, September 24, 2010

Feel Good Friday!

 Fall is finally here and I couldn't be any happier! Let's see if I can can make you just as happy.

I first saw this super cute stitching when I did the Fall Challenge for Craftster. One of my favorite things about Fall is definitely that it becomes sweater weather. I think SheenaRamone would agree with me.

I LOVE decorating cakes and cookies. Most of my stuff I get from Wilton Decorating. Well, now you can enjoy in my decorating bliss. The Wilton website not only shows you great examples of decorating but also tells you exactly what you need to achieve greatness and a  step by step process.

Because the days are getting cooler, Pete is getting chillier. I really think he needs this sweater. Okay, maybe nothing that flashy.  Little Pampered Pet has great sweaters, costumes and treats for your little beast. (No puppy was harmed in the making of this sweater, but maybe a little humiliated....)

Tonight is nice and chilly, OMP is cooking up some popcorn and we have settled in for some quality snuggling and awesomely bad movies. Maybe this weekend I will try to find some yummy cider. Happy fall from the Pedersen household-lets hope that it includes lots of candy corn, warm cozy fires and just a touch of a chill on your cheek.


  1. I think they have that dog sweater on the Lion brand website. It probably is free too.

  2. Oh that sounds so nice! We are having a resurgence o Summer where I am and I am desperately missing My Roots in New England!! I love the sweater--it makes a dog into a LION!

  3. Happy Fall backatcha! We are anticipating another 90+ day but next week we are supposed to be a lot cooler! Yay!!!

    I loves that Lion sweater and have threatened to knit it for my Petey!
