Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Tie One On Tuesday!

 Happy Fall everyone! I can't believe that it is officially here at 8:09pm Pacific Standard Time-that is cause for celebration. What better way to celebrate than with a tasty autumn beer.

Now, I know a lot of people don't like fruity or flavored beers but Dogfish Head Punkin Ale is exceptional.Tastes of pumpkin and hints of brown sugar make this beer more like a pumpkin pie than something you find at a keg party on a Friday night. This beer can be a bit too sweet for some but pairing it with some salty goodness balances out the flavors and gets your savory and sweet on.

A lot of people really put down Samuel Adams, saying that it's too commercial or that the owner and his commercials are so annoying (okay, the latter might have been just me) but the Samuel Adams Octoberfest is a wonderful blend of toffee and honey roasted nuts. It's a very easy to drink lager that has just the right bite that will leave you begging for more.

Rogue Mocha Porter is dark, thick and tasty. It's like an wonderful cup of coffee with a nice alcohol taste. Although is smells very hoppy, it goes down as smooth as a Barry White song in the back of a Camero. It starts off with a sweet smokey taste and ends with a little bit of a tingly tart taste....just like the back of a Camero.

As the days get shorter, your thirst gets bigger. These are just a few little treats to wet your whistle. Check out your local breweries to see what seasonal beverages they have on tap, you may find a new favorite.


  1. If that beer truly tastes that good...I might just give beer a chance again.


  2. mmmmm, beeer.

    I tried that Sam Adams last year. Twas okay. And a local pumpkin beer that sounds a lot like Dogfish you describe. I liked that.

    But really, a good ol PBR is all I need ;)

  3. I've had the Dogfish and SA (a staple in our fridge) but not the Rogue.I'll have to look for that one. One of the perks to dating home brewers is that I've tried a LOT of different types of beer.

    I LOVE Fall! YAY!
