Friday, November 26, 2010

Feel Good Friday!

Oh my belly! I ate so much food yesterday! I just couldn't stop. OMP and I cooked an amazing Thanksgiving dinner and then crashed on the couch, cuddled up and had visions of little puppies dancing in our heads. Ahhh....bliss...let's see what I can whip up to make you feel the same way.

Our wonderful 60 year old furnace is out right now and it's a little bit chilly at Casa de Pedersen. I really think I need these to keep me warm on those chilly nights when OMP is at band practice. Tiny Toadstool has the cutest hats, mittens and scarves. I want EVERYTHING from her shop.

I love this winter scene. I feel like I could jump right in to the stitching and go for a walk. The textures are so rich. Kayla coo's pieces are rich and beautiful.

My husband told me that I should get use to the cold and a little bit of "roughing it" if we ever plan on having a farm (which we do). Missing Willow Farm is a great blog for checking out what farm life is like. Her pictures are wonderful and the little tidbits of information are so helpful. Plus, she raised hairless cats, one of which was named Turd Ferguson and in my opinion is absolutely awesome. 

Okay my tasty little turkey legs. I'm going to warm up some leftovers, throw a blanket over my legs and watch Wizard of Oz for the 900th time. I hope you have a wonderful lazy weekend. I know that's my plan! 

Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire:  it is the time for home.  ~Edith Sitwell

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a perfect Turkey Day!

    Do you have a fireplace you can utilize til the furnace is remedied?

    I want a farm too - sheep and llamas and kittehs and puppies and chickens.
