Friday, December 24, 2010

Feel Good Friday!

 Ho! Ho! Ho! MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE! That's right-it's the day before that jolly man in a red suit comes to visit-no, I'm not talking about your uncle Norm-I'm talking SANTA! Are you stockings hung by the chimney with care? Have you been good little children all year-wait, don't answer might get coal in your stocking.

Are you still wrapping presents? You better get on it! There isn't much time! If you are still wondering about how to wrap those lovely gifts, check out this video with a super cute cameraman!

If you're looking for the best tags to put on those fabulous gifts, check out Creature Comforts. They have a huge selection of the cutest tags. You can print them out right from your computer.  Remember, my name is spelled P-A-M.

Still looking for wonderful Holiday decorations? Kind Over Matter has a link of some wonderful free printables for your viewing pleasure.

I don't think you understand the need I have for this tree. I must have one in every color.

Alright my little kiddles. It's time for me to get the egg nog on as I watch for Santa's sleigh. He's hit Australia and Russia and is heading toward Pakistan. Check out Norad to see if he's close to your house. Merry Christmas everyone! Let cheer, good faith and love shower you during this time. You are the best Christmas present a girl could ever have...well, you and chocolate.


  1. Have a fabulous Christmas, after all this crafting you've done, you deserve your egg nog, and even a second one too!

  2. I have yet to see an actual pink tree like that one. My eyes are open for one for ya!

  3. Fun printables, wish I would have seen them before Christmas was over! There are so many neat things to do during the holiday season, they can't all be done. :-) I received your #25 matchbox, thank you. I love all the sparkle. Hope you had a great Christmas and Happy New Year!
