Sunday, January 30, 2011

Scrappy Dog Sunday!

5 Things I have Learned from My Dogs
Being cute will only get you so far, personality will take you all the way

It's okay to hide out and regroup in order to come back in full force

Laugh till you feel it in your toes

Allow yourself to have some fun

Happiness really is a warm puppy..or two...or three...


  1. I LOVE that waterhose video! Did OMP keep cleaning just to tease the pups more? :D

  2. When the hose comes out, the puppies go crazy! On hot days, we turn it on and let them cool off.

  3. LOVE that last pic! And that is the first time I have seen your arm looks amazing! Also love the puppeh's expression.

  4. This is a fantastic post! New to your blog - thanks for sharing that video. I laughed so hard. My three dogs could hear your dogs barking at the water hose on the video and they are standing here staring at the computer now. That last picture is precious!
