Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Tie One On Tuesday

picture courtesy of Jane Fader

Whew! We made it to the new year! Now it's time to hunker in for the winter and enjoy the fire. Speaking of fire...

Do you feel a burning sensation? I mean when you drink!  No, well then, drink this up and you will, then get to the doctor and get some cream for that itch. HA! I crack myself up...hey, why am I hearing crickets? Hello......

The Fireball
3/4 oz white rum
3/4 oz cinnamon schnapps
3 dashes Texas Pete sauce
Pour everything into a shaker with ice, shake well and strain into a shot glass. Shoot as directed.

See if you can stomach this for 8 seconds. Give me the real bull any day. It actually reminds me of something Homer Simpson would drink when his jaw was wired shut.

Bull Shot
1 1/2 oz vodka
dash of Worchestershire, Tabasco, salt and pepper to taste
celery salt (optional)
Pour the ingredients into a cocktail shaker filled with ice. Shake well. Strain into a highball glass filled with ice.

This last cocktail will do nothing but cause a toxic waste dumpsite in your stomach,  it will peel the paint off of walls, it will make you see colors you didn't even know existed. You have been warned....

Old Fashion Hell
1 1/2 oz pepper vodka
1 1/2 cinnamon schnapps
Pour both into an old fashion glass, stir slightly and serve with caution.

Well folks, there ya have it. A little something to put a fire in your belly and warm you up on a cold night. Just one of these fine cocktails will have you breathing fire in no time! I'm not even going to say what it's gonna do to your lower intestines...have fun with that one.


  1. These drinks look as if separate bedrooms would be necessary!

    You crack me up too!

  2. I like the idea of "old fashioned hell." Pitchforks, fire, lava, devils in stratch pants...So much better than some ironic new-age version of hell.

    Thanks for posting my vintage halloween pic! I'll totally think of you the next time I have an elaborate retro cocktail!
