Friday, March 25, 2011

Feel Good Friday!

 Look at you....making it to Friday! Yahoo! Was it just me or did this week seeming extra trying? Well, I definitely have a few things to make you feel good all over.

The bow is just killing me. This awesome pillow is made by my very special friend schinders. She rocks! 

Have you ever made outfits with Polyvore? I just love it! I can pick styles, designers or color and make up my own little outfits. It's like fashion plates for adults. 

This bag is so awesome. It just cracks me up. I think I need it for my next light house adventure. Dutchsisters create wonderful bags from discarded stitching. 

Whenever I am sad, I watch this video. Lifts my spirits every time. 

There now, don't you feel better? I know I do!


  1. Feeling good & TGIF! Loving the fisherman's just so delightfully different.

    The goats made me smile! You know, I needed this!

  2. Thoses goats are just the cutest ever! : )
