Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Why Do You Stink?

Conversation with OMP:

Me: Why do you stink?

OMP: I don't stink, lady

Me: Yes you do, I can smell you from here.

OMP: That's you!

(pause for a moment of right pit smelling)

Me: No it's not! It's you!

OMP: Did you smell your other pit?

(pause for smelling of left pit)

Me: Shut up!

Apparently, all day long, I wondered why my boss and my husband smelled so bad. I only put deodorant on one side.


  1. *giggle*....Nope, I've never done anything like that...ever. ;)

    I've just gone to work wearing two completely different color shoes. No one told me until almost lunch time! Gah!

  2. Hahahahah!! I love conversations like this. Married life eh..

  3. this post COMPLETELY made my day!!! hilarious!!!

  4. Bwuahahaha! Oh, Pam bless your stinky pit! You have no idea how much I needed that laugh! Thank you, doll!
