Friday, April 8, 2011

Feel Good Friday

 Can you believe it? We made it to Friday! No broken bones, smiles on our faces. Whew! I didn't think we could do it! For once, the sun is shining in the great Pacific Northwest and that makes me happier than you will ever know. Let's see what I can do to put a smile on your face.

Over at Feeling Stitchy, I am hosting a April Stitch Along. My wonderful, sweet , talented friend Digital Misfit drew this up for us to stitch. She rocks my world! Check out Feeling Stitchy and Digital Misfit's blog for all the details. You can post your progress on the Flickr Embroidery Group.

BUGS! VARMINTS! They are running rampant, ruling the world, destroying our yards. Well, now you stop them by purchasing one of these Voodoo Varmints from BubbleOffPlumb. She has got you covered! I am a huge fan of the crow.

I love blogs that show me how to make things, that bake yummy treats and that are fun and uplifting. A Cuppa Tea with Me is just that! Lisa is so fun and she makes me smile. Plus, she rides a Vespa-Hello! How cool is that?

The. Feet. Are. KILLING ME! could you not be happy with baby bunnies?

Okay my favorite people in the entire world! Time to get out and enjoy that sun for a few hours. The blue sky is calling my name and I must respond. Enjoy your weekend!

Optimist: Person who travels on nothing from nowhere to happiness.
                                                                         - Mark Twain


  1. Yay! Digital Misfit is the best! Love that the pattern is the stitch along!
    Also I love the first image in the post! Made me giggle!

  2. Aww, Pammy!! You are SO sweet!! Thanks for including my little blog here in this post, that seriously warms the cockles of my cold, cold heart. (I actually don't have a cold heart, but I've always wanted to say that, hehe). The sun is shining here today too, and I'm off to find the best taco truck in town today, via Vespa of course. Viva la tacos!! Hope your weekend has been great, doll!

  3. That bunny. Jesus. Hold me back!

    Wasn't there a kid's book with illustrations that looked exactly like that bunny? Urgh...this will keep me up at night til I figure it out!
