Monday, May 23, 2011

Hug Your Cat Day

Did you know that today is Hug Your Cat Day? Yep, it is. So, grab your fuzzy little friend, fry up some sardines and watch these purrrrrfect kitty movies.

That Darn Cat is a wonderful slapstick romp staring Hayley Mills and Dean Jones. The story involves over active imaginations, kidnapping and romance. When a kidnapped woman uses DC (Darn Cat) to send a message, his owner contacts the FBI and the fun begins (who knew kidnapping could be so much fun).

You and your kitty aren't into Disney family fun, but  are into long running musicals. Well, I've got your covered. Andrew Lloyd Weber's Cats is right up your alley. I strongly suggest giving your kitty a little bit of catnip for this one-it will help him appreciate the music and the dancing. Who knows, he might even jump on the TV and do his own little interpretive dance.

I am a HUGE fan of animation, so when I was looking for other cat movies, I couldn't resist the Coraline. Now, I know that the cat is not the main character but he does play a huge part in this delightful yet eerie tale of a little girl and sinister otherworld. It is absolutely visually stunning and the characters, even the evil ones are delightful.

Okay you hep cats, saunter on down to the video store, grab you favorite furry feline and enjoy this time together. Sure, your fuzzy buddies make act like they don't care or are completely put out by your affection, but in reality-they love you and need those hugs. Don't we all?


  1. The kittehs are about to get some extra huggin'...thanks for the info!!
    I must seek out 'That Darn Cat'. Also - gotta love The Aristocats. :)

  2. Ohh you forgot about Bringing up Baby... an oldie but goody... although her kittie is a bit bigger LOL...(it's a big cat)

  3. Everyday is hug your cat day! :)

  4. I agree, I love to hug my kitty everyday! All these movies are great! Bringing Up Baby is also amazing, who can resist a movie with Katharine Hepburn, Cary Grant, and a leopard?

  5. Hug my cats day everyday here too. The Aristocats is probably my fave Cat movie. Thomasina is another Disney Cat movie. I still get teary eyed.

    Am I the only one who doesn't get "Cats" the musical. I just don't like it at all.

  6. Seriously??? I am past due for some kitty huggin! Thanks for the info!

  7. kitty hugs and 'that darn cat' is a classic, remember watching as a kid.

  8. Thanks. She will get a sprinkle of catnip to celebrate and hopefully that will mellow her to the point I can catch her to give her a hug.

  9. miss pam, if you enjoyed Coraline, try Mirrormask; also written by Gaiman;it's full of sphinxes (very catlike).
