Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Some people...

Ah, the internet, what a great invention. No, I mean it. You can connect with people around the world. I have met so many wonderful people who I consider good friends. It allows you to find anything you want with just a click of a button. The downside of the internet...jerky people who hide behind a monitor and keyboard and throw insults around like they are hot potatoes.

I remember reading a post a while back from a pretty famous person in the crafting community. She reminded me that no matter what, not everyone is going to like you. They will hide, like cowards, behind their keyboard and try to strip you down to their level. If you take the chance of putting yourself out there, you run the risk of being ridiculed.

So, how do you combat all the crap thrown at you from time to time? Well....first you get mad and decide that you will take out that person and everyone close to them. After you have calmed down a bit, you realize the grand scheme of things. This is just 1 person in a world of 6,852,472,823. Even if 1,000 people were mean to you there are still 6,852,471,823 people in your corner, cheering you on and that is a lot of pom poms being thrown your way! 

Sure, there will be people who try to bring you down, try to keep you in the past instead of moving forward or even just be plain mean to you -but there are even more of us wanting to raise you higher, keep you moving ahead and loving you like nobody's business. 

Persons with weight of character carry, like planets, their atmospheres along with them in their orbits. 
~Thomas Hardy


  1. I smile broadly in your general direction. Well said. And for the record, we think you're wonderful!

  2. It's so true. The only way to avoid criticism is to just keep to yourself and not do ANYTHING that makes you stand out (and there will STILL be critics!). That's no way to live! Some people just get envious that they aren't as confident or as talented, so that's their way of making themselves feel better.

  3. You need to check out a book called "The Nibble Theory and the Kernel of Power". It put most all social interaction into perspective. I read it over 20 yrs ago and still think about it on a regular basis now, especially when dealing with a situation like the one you mentioned.

    For what it's worth, I'd beat down anyone who tried to hurt you! You are one of the most wonderful people I've ever had the opportunity to get to know. :)

    Let me at 'em! I'll unleash my ninja skills!

  4. Some people seriously suck. Thankfully the majority of us kick ass. And love and support the hell out of ya.

  5. Perfectly stated! We all know you rock and that is really all that matters! I've felt the same way, but then I turn to my wonderful internet friends and feel better again.

  6. Who got lippy, Pammy? Lemme at 'em, lemme at 'em! Lol... Seriously, you rock! Anyone who doubts it can take a long walk off a short pier. See you in the EFU, baby!

  7. Hello, I just wanted to let you know that you won My Asian Market Giveaway over at my Ruby Jean blog...If you could email me so I can get your information that would be great...Congratulations to you.. : )
