Friday, August 5, 2011

Feel Good Friday

 Unfortunately, I do not know who this belongs to, it was on etsy and now it's taken down. So, if you did it-you're awesome.

My oh my! I have a lot to be happy about this week! I am just bursting with that feel good feeling. I bet I can make you happy too!

I just love this so much! Loveandasandwich posted this on Craftster and I squealed with delight. So stinking cute!

So many times I am looking for the perfect pattern, well, over at Craft Gossip, Denise has got me covered. Not only does she feature amazing artist but she also scours the internet for the cutest cross stitch and embroidery patterns around. I would definitely set aside several hours, once you start reading this blog, you will not stop. It's not just needlework but other crafts for you to swoon over.

I am in love with everything from this shop. Illustratedink's Day of the Dead illustrations and their paper dolls are just too rockin'. The colors are vivid and the style is definitely old school. I'll take one of everything, please!

Ducks and Geese are excellent at photobombing.

Yahoo! It's time to get out there and make the best of the day! Get your smile on and conquer the world! Have a great weekend!

Oh, you're welcome. 


  1. I love love love "Walkin on Sunshine!"

    And I'm thinking that Day of the Dead Seamstress would make a mighty fine tattoo. Hmm, whatchu think?

    Denise at Craft Gossip rocks!!!!!

  2. omg I love that goose photo!!! Truly made me smile!
