Thursday, August 11, 2011

When Crafting Goes Wrong

Ya know, sometimes the way I picture things in my head, it doesn't always work out that way. I had this image of this perfect little picture frame. I followed the directions to the letter and still came up with something that looks like a preschooler, who was high from a pixie stick binge, created.  I had been dying to make a cute fence inspired picture frame. It is suppose to look like this....

Instead, it turned out like this....

I'm not even going to show you the starfish I made.


  1. I love you all the more for posting your craftastrophe. I think I see where it went wrong - paint needed to be watered down and then wiped off... and sanded. LOL! Cute pic, anyway!

  2. Everything is salvageable. Try sanding a bit and some brown ink applied with a cotton ball. Or a gel antiquing medium. The concept is super cute. I'm with you! I've had my share of trashed projects!

  3. LOL! This happens to me all the time. What I envision in my mind is often SO far from the actual result, it boggles the brain. Yours is not so bad - very fixable! As Deana mentioned, a bit more sanding and distressing with watered down brown paint or antiquing medium should help.

  4. I agree with everyone above! I don't think it's bad, it just needs a bit more finishing. :) Gotta make it a bit more 'weathered'.

  5. You are so brave to show this...but I've got to tell you it's so comforting to know that I'm not alone in having a project bomb from time to time. You made me giggle & spit coffee to read about your starfish.

