Saturday, September 24, 2011

Salivating Saturday

Man! Have I been slack lately! Boo on me! If I bake you a quiche, will you forgive me? I know it's not cake but I've been craving a quiche, so there ya go.

Little bit of a back story...this week has been crazy busy for us and that means we haven't been able to get to the grocery store. Anyhoo, for a few weeks I've been craving quiche and I finally broke down and baked one. The only problem is, you guessed it, I haven't been to the store and I didn't have all the ingredients for the quiche I wanted. So, instead, I made a whatchagot quiche. It includes any ingredients you have on hand.

Really, whatever you have on hand, but the essentials and a few of my favorites are...
ready to serve deep dish pie crust
4 eggs, slightly beaten
1 cup half and half cream
5 pieces of extra crispy bacon, crumbled
3/4 cup of swiss cheese
French's onion rings sprinkled

Preheat oven to 400 degrees
In a medium bowl, mix the bacon, onions, and cheese. Place this mixture in the unthawed pie crust.
Mix the eggs and half and half in a bowl. Pour the egg mixture over the cheese mixture.
Bake in preheated oven for 15 minutes. Reduce heat to 350 degrees F and bake for an additional 35 minutes, until top of quiche begins to turn brown.
Don't overbake or your quiche will be rubbery.

Awwww yeah! My whatchagot quiche is so yummy and it saves me another day of going to the grocery store. I cut the quiche into individual slices and froze half so next time I have a craving, I can just warm it up.


  1. I love quiche! I didn't know it would freeze long will it keep?

  2. I have a similar recipe and just love it! Mine has "meat-like substance" and "Veggie-type substance" on the ingredient list!

  3. It should keep for at least a few months. Mine usually doesn't last past a month.
