Sunday, September 11, 2011

Scrappy Dog Sunday!

Today is 9/11, a dark day in United States history. As we remember today, and still try to heal from such a horrible event. I am here to celebrate the animals that helped that day. Without canine rescue dogs, the toll would have been higher.

Not only did the rescue dogs help first responders, but they also lifted their spirits. They were there for the responders to pet, hug and just hold when they needed someone. They gave a gentle smile, a warm heart and an unconditional love that only a dog can give. It's as if they said, "we will get through this together."

Bretagne is one such dog. This 13 year old golden retriever is trained to find people in disasters such a this. She has somce been to other natural disasters such as Hurricane Katrina and Rita. She has retired but she refuses to believe that. She was just one of the 100 FEMA dogs at the site.

 I think we all can learn a lot from these dogs, they are strong, loving and never asked for anything in return. They faced devastation with love in their heart and never once judged the outcome or a person. In the days after 9/11, they showed determination, a shoulder to cry on and support when needed.  A special thank you to those dogs and their trainers who came from all over the United States to offer their support.

1 comment:

  1. This is a great reminder, thank you for posting it, Pam
