Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Tie One On Tuesday

Why hello fall, you are looking mighty apple-y. Fall is just a few days away and that means lots of apples!

 The easiest and probably one of the yummiest apple drinks is a Autumn Delight

Autumn Delight
2oz scotch
6oz apple cider
Fresh cinnamon 
Pour scotch and cider into a shaker with ice, pour into an old fashion glass and dust with fresh ground cinnamon. Easy peasy!

Next on the list is a yummy twist and will give you something to do with all the basil left over from the summer

Basil North

4oz apple juice
2oz vodka
2 basil leaves
juice from 1 lemon
dash of sugar
Pour all ingredients into a shaker with ice, pour into a martini glass.

Let's see what I can find to keep you warm on the chilly nights and help you fall into a deep slumber.

Hot Apple Toddy
2oz apple brandy

1 tsp sugar
hot apple cider
Mix brandy, hot cider and sugar together in a mug, garnish with cinnamon. If you need extra smoothness, coat the bottom of the mug with honey.

Yahoo! It's fall! Time to pull out the sweaters, have a nice fire and pour yourself a yummy apple drink.  Your tummy and mood will thank you!

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