Friday, October 7, 2011

Feel Good Friday

 special thanks to

It seems like it's been forever since I've hit ya'll up with a Feel Good Friday. I need to make up for lost time!

October is here! One of my favorite months. It starts the season of celebration, which doesn't stop for me until Easter. No wonder summer is so lazy for me, I need time to recoup from all the celebrating!

October can mean many things. It can mean Shocktober....
Ghost and Stories is a great site for all your paranormal needs. You can find great stories, pictures and even games! It might be a little too scary for the younger ghouls but all you old crypt keepers will love it.

For others, October means, Rocktober.Yep, pretty sure I would be rockin' in these shoes.
My friend Ellen brought these shoes to my attention this morning and I'm pretty sure I need to mortgage my house to get them. She also turned me on to a great blog, The Terrier and Lobster. She's good like that.

I think for me, my favorite is Tocktober. Who can resist a cute little butt? (And you thought I was going to put up a picture of OMP's butt, well, I was but he promptly took it down!)

Whatever October means to you, make sure you get out there and enjoy the crisp fall air and while you're at it, grab some of that yummy candy being passed around. It will make you happy!

"There is no season when such pleasant and sunny spots may be lighted on, and produce so pleasant an effect on 
the feelings, as now in October." 
-  Nathaniel Hawthorne


  1. I cannot resist a cute little dog butt.

  2. That little pooch is adorable, Pam!

    And you're making me want to decorate my house for Halloween - which I've never done.

    (This is Kaz from Craftster, by the way!)
