Friday, October 21, 2011

Feel Good Friday!

 Oh yeah! Getting my Friday on! Spooky style! Whoop! Whoop!

This little Frankenstein cracks me up. He is so cute and his outfit totally reminds me of Granimals from the 70's. Remember those? You had to match up the animals to make an outfit. friend Crystal totally rocked this cross stitch!

Fighting zombies is really hard work, making dentures for them is even harder. They get all bitey. Bubble Off Plumb Productions aka Mistress T. did an excellent job uncovering these wonderful specimens. So creepy!

Do you watch those ghost hunting shows? I am a sucker for them. They are the most ridiculous thing out there but I just love them. When I can't get a fix on my TV, I check out The Shadowlands online. They have ghost recordings, stories and sightings of Bigfoot!

Oh my goodness! I'm shivering in my boots (mainly cause it's cold in my office). Time to get the fire going, warm up a little cider and finish getting the puppies' costumes ready. They just love trick or treating... Hope you have a fab weekend and enjoy that fall weather!

I'll bet living in a nudist colony takes all the fun out of Halloween.
~Author Unknown


  1. I can't wait until Halloween! Thanks for the feel good!

  2. Love that quote at the end... too funny!

  3. YEY! Finally some gawldang Friday! Thanks for the shout out to my Zombie Dentition Specimens, too!


  4. Such crafty friends you have! And thanks for not labeling the pic at the top of me and Stanley Kitteh. I just can't stand all the publicity! ;)
