Friday, November 11, 2011

Feel Good Friday!

Yahoo! It's Friday! Time for get my dancing shoes on! While I practice my tap dancing, enjoy these extra special feel goods.

I am in love with this idea! A big cross stitch for your walls? How fab is that? Jessica Decker rocks the oversized cross stitch! Check out her blog and shop for other amazing things.

And while we are on the subject of awesome blogs, InspireCo. has a great blog and they just came out with their online magazine for the season. I can not wait to check out all the beautiful crafts.

I wonder if they make this in a Jack Russell or Min Pin, aww...who cares, I still want one even if they don't.

Oh my goodness! Look at the time! I need to get out of here and enjoy the weekend! The leaves are just screaming at me to jump in! Can't you hear them....Pam! Jump in the pile! It will be fun! Have a great weekend, stay warm and cuddled up, unless the leaf pile is calling you too.

Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.
~Albert Camas


  1. Heehee If we piled up our leaves and jumped in we might roll down the hill, out in to traffic!!!! So would you do an extra jump for me and Bill, please? Thank you!

  2. Ok, where did you find the dachshund christmas lighting decoration? I must have one!!!

  3. Goodness! I need a santa doxie for our front yard!
