Thursday, December 8, 2011

Chrismas Crafting

I know, I've been so neglectful this week, but I had a legitimate reason. My poor little Lola has been battling a bad tooth and we finally had to take her to the vet. Needless to say, OMP has been comforting Lola and me for the past week. Not a fun job. So, forgive me for being a little lost but Lola is doing better, I'm wonderful and OMP is exhausted. Now then....let's get to crafting!

Christmas is my favorite time of the year. I completely go overboard with decorating, baking and spreading cheer. This year, I decided to add an extra special element. PINK AND GLITTER!

My first project was an ornament wreath that I had been dying to make for years. My good friend, Tara, gave me a bag of pink ornaments and I finally broke down and made that wreath.
Ornament wreath
I wasn't satisfied with just a sparkly pink wreath. I decided to make some bottle brush trees. I dyed them and killed them with glitter.
bottle brush trees

Putting them both together with my pink tree....HEAVEN!
Pink tree with bottle brush trees

I couldn't just stop there and decided to make garland out of recycled ornaments. Check out the video!

Finally, the tree with the garland I made last year.
Christmas tree 2011

Yep, the Christmas crafting bomb pretty much exploded at Casa de Pedersen and I couldn't be happier. 


  1. Loooove! Especially the bottle brush trees. :)

  2. Can I come over? We can listen to Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree and dance around all your decorations while drinking hot totties?? I'll bring the Christmas Crack!!

    Kisses and licks from my furry family to yours.

  3. Just found your blog through Sublime Stitching. I love that wreath!
