Thursday, December 22, 2011

My Wrist Hates Me

What do you do when you're upset? Eat? Not eat? Curl up in a fetal position? I stitch. 

While Lola was on the mend, I sat beside her and between kisses and hugs and tears, I stitched up this Merry Christmas cross stitch. I found the pattern in Cross Stitcher magazine and knew I had to make it. My wrist hates me for so much stitching in such a short amount of time, but I promised it a few days off before starting the next project. 

Merry Christmas from our family to yours. May you have peace, love and lots of puppy kisses-with just a sprinkle of pink, now and into the new year.


  1. Awwww, I am glad to hear that Lola is on the mend. I adore this so much. The colors are perfect. Thank you for the sweet bunny card. I love it. Merry X-Mas, Pam. Love ya. XOXO-X-X-X

  2. WHEW! I'm happy to hear Lola is feeling better. And, uh. WOAH! Look at that cross stitch!

  3. This is such a great piece, Pam! I really love the font, and Shannon's right, the colors are perfect. Oh, so much good in this piece! I'm so happy that Lola is feeling better, what a relief that must be for you & OMP. Christmas hugs to you too sweetheart! Thank you for the puppies post card, it's great, it's my favorite card this year, hands down!

  4. Pam,
    Wonderful cross stitch. I love it. You did such a great job! Can you please tell me which issue or how I can find this pattern? Thank you and Merry Christmas.
    Just what I need, another project to start, right?

  5. Thanks everyone!

    Julie-it is issue #245 (October 2011)

  6. Your cross stitch is just precious.
    I have searched high and low today, in order to find it and order it. Do you by any chance know how I may do this? I live in the USA. :o) Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!

  7. Hi There!
    The pattern is from Cross Stitch Magazine (It's a UK magazine). You can find it online

    It's issue #245, I believe.

  8. That looks lovely! I'm new to cross stitch - well, I'm new to any stitch to be honest LOL. I loved the reindeer in the CrossStitcher magazine and used it as my first project.

    Lovely blog, I'll be back often :)
