Thursday, February 2, 2012

Stitchy Goodness

I've been on a cross stitch craze lately. I did this gnome alphabet sampler for AlwaysInspired. The original pattern had two "d's" in it. I took one out. Someone suggested that maybe the gnome had a stuttering problem.

cross stitched gnome alphabet for AlwaysInspired

This pattern wasn't custom made but it should have been. It's a little Pam with a little Lola. I just love the pixel people cross stitch out there. A couple of good places to check out are weelittlestitches and andwabisabi
Little Pam and Lola.

Of course, I could never abandon embroidery or my love for vintage patterns. I made this for my sweet friend Peggy. She has the cutest scotty named Snickers. I just imagine this behavior from that little scamp.
Scotty dogs

What have you been working on? Any big projects?

PS-Teri! I need you address, lady! I have your book. You can email me and let me know. Thanks!


  1. I have been working on secret projects! All shall be revealed in due time..............

  2. the gnome sampler is too cute! i've been on a cross stitch kick lately too...lots of quick little projects from magazines :)

  3. I got the cross stitch abc's in the mail today along with two of the most adorable embroidered onsies! Hamster says thanks Auntie Pam! My FIL will be building a custom frame from reclaimed wood for the gnomes and they will hang in the babies room right away! The hubby loves the gnomes just as much as I do! ;)

  4. the scotties are adorable! Love the little x's on the basket

  5. Lovelovelove all of those! That gnome sampler is so cute and the scotties are adorable. I've been working on a lot dishtowels lately, all vintage patterns. I think I might be a little addicted.

  6. Love it all! The gnome sampler is so perfect (as is all of your stitching). I LOVE that you found a wee Pam and Lola to stitch - too cute!
